Friday, 13 August 2021

How Do Ayurveda Stop Albuminuria Leakage?


Protein in urine medically termed albuminuria is basically a disease that is caused when the kidneys mismatch their functions. Every human body contains protein in its blood. The main protein in the human blood is known as Albumin. The main function of protein is to develop muscles and strengthen bones and ligaments, prevent infections, and control the amount of liquid in the blood. During these times when everything is affecting human health like air, water, food. It has become difficult for everyone to remain healthy and free from disease. Various diseases have captured humans and their treatment has become more challenging.

What Do You Mean by Albuminuria?

Healthy kidneys flush out the extra waste and liquid from the body, but they also let protein and other vital nutrients pass through and return to the bloodstream. But in the case of unhealthy kidneys which have been damaged to some extent, the kidneys can let some protein escape through their filters, into the urine. And this situation is called Albuminuria.

Anybody can notice protein in their urine but those who are suffering from the following diseases are more likely to suffer from albuminuria.

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Family history or genetic kidney disorders.

How Do Kidneys Help in The Maintenance Of Albumin?

 Kidneys are crucial for the human body. The fact that they handle a string of critical bodily functions proves that they hold the ability to maintain the stability of other organs as well. Kidneys maintain the levels of electrolytes, blood pressure. The primary function of blood filtration and disposing of the unwanted byproducts from the blood are also handled by the kidney. When blood moves within the kidneys for purification, the kidneys’ small filters let the waste products move to their destination and holds important protein albumin from leaking into the urine. Healthy kidneys do not rid of albumin from the body. But the strike of problems created by kidney harming medical conditions can damage the filtering units of the kidneys, which disturbs the function of the glomerulus and the tubules (filtering and reabsorbing parts of the kidneys). Instead of filtering the blood properly, damaged glomeruli let the albumin leak into the urine. The crucial protein flows into the urine with the waste products and excess fluids.

However, the mismatched function of the functional units of the kidneys invites a kidney condition called Albuminuria.

How Does Protein Get into Urine?

Protein basically gets into the urine if the kidneys aren’t working properly according to their natural capacity. Usually, glomeruli, which are tiny or small loops of blood vessels present in the kidneys, filter waste products and excess water from the blood.

Glomeruli pass these harmful substances, but let larger proteins and blood cells, into the urine. If smaller proteins sneak through the glomeruli, tubules capture those proteins and keep them in the body.

However, if glomeruli are damaged, the proteins will flow into the urine.

What are the symptoms of albuminuria?

In early cases, it's difficult to detect any symptoms. But after a span of time when it gets worse then one can have indications like:

  • Foamy urine
  • Swelling in hands, feet, belly, and face
  • Short breaths
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Muscle cramps during the night

What Are The Causes of Protein in Urine?

Some common things can cause albuminuria. These include:

  • Dehydration: Dehydration is basically when you lose more fluid from the body than the overall take in, and your body doesn't have enough water to carry out its normal functions.
  • Inflammation: It is usually a process in which our body's white blood cells defend us from infection from various bacteria and viruses.
  • Low blood pressure:
  • Fever
  • Intense activity: During Intensive exercises and workouts our body releases a lot of sweat and the level of water is dropped. If it is not restored then it will hamper kidney function.
  • High stress
  • Kidney stones
  • Taking aspirin or painkillers every day

Risk factors for protein in the urine

Factors that can make you more likely to have protein in urine can be:

  • A person suffering from obesity
  • Age over 65
  • Family history or genetic kidney disorder

Ayurvedic Treatment for Albuminuria

Ayurvedic treatment for albuminuria firstly, understanding the cause and then treating the disease with its universal principles. Ayurvedic treatment for albuminuria suggests following the principles of Diabetes management for managing albuminuria.

The treatment for diabetic patients basically starts with the biological-cleansing procedures, which are usually aimed at a fat reduction to make sure there is no further complication caused. This is followed by treatment with a combination of herbal medicines, diet modification, and lifestyle changes.

Diet requirements for albuminuria (AAHAR)

  • Ayurvedic treatment for albuminuria suggests the intake of barley in the diet.
  • To control diabetes, cinnamon powder and turmeric powder are very useful.
  • Vegetables such as green banana, bitter gourd, the para wall should be consumed.
  • Soybean, mustard oil may be beneficial.
  • Products such as sugar, potato, butter rice, alcohol, rajma should be avoided.

Lifestyle Changes (VIHAR)

  • Cardiovascular exercises like walking, swimming, running, and yoga asanas can be fruitful.
  • Regular dry massage may be beneficial.
  • Taking regular steam baths can also help reduce fat in obese diabetics.
  • Include meditation and pranayama in the routine.

What is Proteinuria? Know it’s Symptoms, Causes & Ayurvedic Treatment

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